Welcome to the application of words of gold in writing and pictures.In this application, you will find masterpieces of sweet speech that affects the soul.The application of words of gold in writing and pictures contains two parts, and each of them includes words of gold about life that were specially chosen for you.And if you are looking for short words of gold, you are also in the right place, and you can easily copy and use phrases.The application includes words of gold, writing and pictures, a special section that contains pictures of wonderful phrases and quotations, and words of posts. You can download words in pictures with ease, and you can share pictures of beautiful phrases through social media, and these images are suitable to be WhatsApp cases, as they are indeed words of gold.If you are looking for beautiful words that have a more beautiful meaning, you will find your search within the application of words of gold, his book and pictures, and you will find words of gold of Ibn al-Qayyim.The application is characterized by the fact that it contains messages and cases of gold, as it contains wonderful thoughts that you can copy directly from the application.Do not hesitate to download the application if you are looking for a cross and the rule of gold.The content of the Word of Gold application, written and illustrated, is continuously updated